
Scott Credit Union Sponsors INTL Scholarship

Its Not Too Late Scholarship is proud to receive our second sponsorship from Scott Credit Union.  The Bronze Level Sponsorship (The Scholar) was awarded to our nonprofit organization based on our educational focus in the community and the financial initiatives that we provide to local students. Scott Credit Union has contributed about $330,000 to the community and their employees have volunteered more than 2,700 hours to a variety of local civic efforts throughout the region through the end of 2015.  SCU has also contributed approximately $1.4 million and their employees have volunteered nearly 13,000 hours to a variety of local civic efforts and financial education throughout the region in the past six years.  SCU has increased their community involvement in the past few years while also increasing efforts to educate consumers of the value of doing their financial business with a not-for-profit credit union.  On behalf of the INTL Scholarship board, we would like to thank Scott Credit Union for their continued support and helping us to Pay it Forward, One Dime at a Time.

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